Why is my chart data incorrect or missing?

Why is my chart data incorrect or missing?

Why is my chart data incorrect or missing?


Notion2Charts is a powerful tool that allows Notion users to create charts from their databases. However, some users may encounter issues when their chart data is incorrect or missing. This guide will provide information on common reasons why your chart data may be incorrect or missing and how to resolve them.

Reason 1: Insufficient Max Records per Chart

One of the most common reasons for incorrect or missing chart data is that you have subscribed to a plan with not enough max records per chart. The free plan allows 100 records per chart, the starter plan allows 1000 records per chart, and the pro plan allows 5000 records per chart. Make sure that your chart data is within the limits of your current subscription plan.

Reason 2: Notion API Limitations on Rollup and Relation Properties

Another common reason is that your chart data contains rollup and relation properties, which have limitations in the Notion API. Rollup and relation properties can reference up to 25 references and a maximum for 1 level in depth. If your chart data exceeds these limits, it may result in incorrect or missing data.


There could be several reasons why your chart data is incorrect or missing in Notion2Charts. Make sure that your chart data is within the limits of your current subscription plan and that your chart data does not exceed the limitations of the Notion API for rollup and relation properties. If you continue to have issues, please contact us at contact@notion2charts.com and we will be happy to assist you.

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