How to Customize Charts to Match Your Brand or Website on Notion2Charts

How to Customize Charts to Match Your Brand or Website on Notion2Charts

How to Customize Charts to Match Your Brand or Website on Notion2Charts


Notion2Charts allows you to create powerful charts that help you understand your data better, but it also allows you to customize the charts to match your brand or website. This guide will walk you through the process of customizing charts to match your brand or website on Notion2Charts.

Step 1: Change Chart Type

You can change the chart type by clicking on the "Chart Settings" button in the left sidebar. This will open a modal where you can select from a variety of chart types such as bar, line, pie, horizontal bar, doughnut, radar, KPI and more.

Step 2: Change Chart Colors

You can change the chart colors by clicking on the "Colors" button in the left sidebar. This will open a modal where you can select colors that match your brand or website.

Step 3: Add a Background Color

You can add a background color to your chart by clicking on the "Background" button in the left sidebar. This will open a modal where you can select a background color that matches your brand or website.

Step 4: Customize Data Labels

You can customize data labels by clicking on the "Data Labels" button in the left sidebar. This will open a modal where you can select from options such as percentage, value, or none.

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