How to Customize Data Settings on Notion2Charts

How to Customize Data Settings on Notion2Charts

How to Customize Data Settings on Notion2Charts


Customizing data settings on Notion2Charts allows you to tailor your charts data to your specific needs and preferences. This guide will walk you through the process of customizing data settings.

Step 1: Open the Chart Builder

To customize data settings, you first need to open the chart builder. This can be done by clicking on the "Create a Chart" button on the home page or by clicking on the "Edit" button next to the chart you want to customize.

Step 2: Customize X-Axis and Y-Axis

Once you are on the chart builder page, you will see the "Data Settings" button on the left sidebar. By clicking on it, you can select the columns you want to use as the X-axis and Y-axis, as well as change the axis labels and default aggregation.

Step 3: Customize Data Type

You can also customize the data type by clicking on the gear icon next to the X-axis and Y-axis, this will open a modal where you can specify the data type (percentage, number, or currency), starting point (auto, fixed) and reverse axis switch.

Step 4: Customize Data Filters

You can also customize data filters by clicking on the "Filters" button on the left sidebar. Here, you can add filters based on any Notion property type and combine them using the "Any/Or" operators. You can also specify the date filters to either be fixed dates that can be picked in the calendar shown or dynamic date filters which have many options like (today, yesterday, last week, next week, last month, next month, last quarter, next quarter, last 6 months ...).

Step 5: Customize Data Sorting

You can also customize data sorting by clicking on the "Sort" button on the left sidebar, this will open a modal where you can specify the sorting criteria and its order.

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