How to Customize Chart Settings on Notion2Charts

How to Customize Chart Settings on Notion2Charts

How to Customize Chart Settings on Notion2Charts


Customizing chart settings on Notion2Charts allows you to tailor your charts to your specific needs and preferences. This guide will walk you through the process of customizing chart settings.

Step 1: Open the Chart Builder

To customize chart settings, you first need to open the chart builder. This can be done by clicking on the "Create a Chart" button on the home page or by clicking on the "Edit" button next to the chart you want to customize.

Step 2: Customize Chart Type

Once you are on the chart builder page, you will see a chart type dropdown menu at the top of the page. You can select from a variety of chart types including bar, line, pie, horizontal bar, doughnut, radar, and KPI.

Step 3: Customize Chart Name

You can also customize the chart name by clicking on the "Chart Name" field and entering a new name.

Step 4: Customize X-Axis and Y-Axis

You can customize the X-axis and Y-axis by clicking on the "Data Settings" button on the left sidebar. Here, you can select the columns you want to use as the X-axis and Y-axis, as well as change the axis labels and default aggregation.

Step 5: Customize Data Filters

You can also customize data filters by clicking on the "Filters" button on the left sidebar. Here, you can add filters based on any Notion property type and combine them using the "Any/Or" operators.

Step 6: Customize Chart Colors

You can also customize chart colors by clicking on the "Chart Settings" button on the left sidebar. Here, you can select colors for your chart either from Notion or by customizing them. You can also set the background color, data label settings, and show or hide the chart with the eye icon button.

Step 7: Customize Results Configuration

You can also customize the results configuration by clicking on the three buttons located at the top of the right side, you can duplicate the chart, change the results config (either get first 100 results which is fast or get all results which is slow in case of fetching large amounts of records), and another button to enable public sharing of the chart and copy it's embedding link or the iframe code to embed in any website.

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